Al Presa / Drive


Breaking change (1.0.0): Replaces any motivational traits of pre 1.0.0

The world of Al Presa can feel depressing at times. You can not escape the corporate tyranny, human suffering, and feeling of being lost without a purpose.

Humans, living in such a world all need to have something - that keeps them alive. Gives them purpose. This trait, is called Drive. For some that purpose is to get away, to escape the system, For some, to transcend the horror, or to carve out your own enclave – where you can shelter away from the horror. For others, it's enough to make others suffer more than you do.

Move: Flow state

Once in a Scenario: When the character acts according to their drive

Restore all lost points of Mind, Body, and Ghost.

Example Drives

Art and Craft – To improve yourself, your skills, and use them to solve issues.

Ascencion – You wish to transcend the system. There is something beyond the bricolage and the corporate system. Maybe it is a posthuman dream, maybe it's just a new world order. Either way - any time you manage to transcend or move above (or help other to do this) the everyday world - regain GMB. (f.ex. Neo, Matrix)

Lead through servitude – To improve your community, and serve the common good

Just getting by – ...

Dominion – who cares about society or the world. They are f*cked anyway. For you, it is enough to carve a domain of your own. Where people play by your rules. (Note: this domain might be an enclave, a gang, a digital realm, or even a social media brand you can call your own)

The Rebel Yell - If they want to take away your freedom, they can try. And we'll see who laughs at the end. If there is anyone to laugh at. (f.ex. Johnny Silverhand, CP2020, CP2077)