Al Presa / Rules 3.0.0-a1


The Fast Paced Drama Focused Action RPG

Disclosure: these rules have been edited using Google Gemini and Grammary Generative AI assistance.

Bullet time

Action order

Each round is resolved in the following order:

  1. All grunts declare actions (gm decides order)
  2. All heroes declare actions (players agree order)
  3. All bosses declare actions (gm decides order)
  4. <a href="">switch
  5. All bosses resolve actions (order as declared)
  6. All heroes resolve actions (order as declared)
  7. All bosses declare actions (order as declared)

Before the switch, any hero or boss can use 1 mind to "sprint" to decide last, and move their declarations to the last seat.

After switch, any hero or boss can use 1 body to "spint" to act instantly, and move their action to the first (current) seat.


The surprising faction (heroes, enemies) takes 1 free action each, before rounds. The surprise action is a simple action (1d20) and does not have initiative or special ordering.

n.b. 1 die actions, like ducking for cover, are simple actions as are 1 die attacks.


Combat in Al Presa is extremely lethal. Bullet time rounds take seconds, and often leave opponents dead and broken. Being prepared is not only suggested, it's mandatory.