VEIL / O5 Rules (5.0.0-alpha1)


Beta release

The VEIL is in an Open Beta stage.

These rules work with cards from Open Beta releases β01 to β05


A Drafting Game of Invisible War fought in the shadows of our reality.


Attain Dominance, and keep the position until the start of your next turn.


Have the most combined Power and Hidden Power at the end of game.

Playing the Game

Players take turns. The player who’s turn it is is called the Acting player.

Each turn consists of 5 phases: Draw, Actions, Assets, Drafting and End of Turn.

The game end ends after 8 full rounds (when all players have played 8 turns), or when a Dominant player starts their turn with 20+ Power in play.

Turn overview


  1. Dominance: If you are Dominant – the game ends (and you win)
  2. Draw two cards from your deck (if able)
  3. Add a card to Action and Asset Draft tracks from the Draft decks

Act (, in any order)

  • Play Action and Asset cards from hand. (Note: an Asset can not be used or activated on the turn it enters play)
  • Activate cards in play (to play Actions granted by the cards)


  1. Gain Influence from the cards you have in play
  2. Buy or remove a card from both draft tracks

End of Turn

  1. If you have more than 5 cards in hand, discard the extra
  2. Burn your Free Agents.
  3. Shuffle your discard pile to the bottom of your deck.
  4. If you have 20 or more power in play, you can claim Dominance

1.1 Dominance

If you have Dominance and 20+ Power in play – you start your turn as the Dominant player, and win the game.

If you have Dominance, but do not have 20 or more Power in play, you lose the Dominance.

1.2 Draw

Draw 2 cards from your deck, if able. If you can only draw a card, you draw the card.

Fill Drart Tracks

Draw a card to both tracks, if able.

Gain Influence from the cards you have in play

You may take influence tokens from the influence pool, up to the amount of combined influence score of the cards you have in play. Do note, that if there is no influence in the pool, you can not gain influence.

Buy or remove a card from both draft tracks

You may spend influence tokens, to buy a card from either, or both draft tracks. Spend influence tokens are returned to the pool.

The amount of influence needed to draft a card ( the draft cost of a card), is displayed in the lower left corner of the card.

The Cards

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